GCDP holds a Writers Workshop in Dir Kohistan

GCDP holds a Writers Workshop in Dir Kohistan
GCDP holds “Writer Workshop” Yearly to refresh the skills of Gawri Writers and find out new professional writers. This year GCDP team decided to hold the workshop in Dir Kohistan where a huge community is Gawri speakers. Many villages such as Khalkot, Thal, Kinor Lam (Lamoti) and Kumrat are the villages, where all are Gawri Speakers.
The community members from these villages had requested to arrange a Writer Workshop for them. They offered to provide dinner and accommodation from community side.
Our team reached to Kinor Lam (Lamoti) in evening where our host Mr. Pashum Khan and his friends were waiting for us; we stayed for night at Lamoti (Kinor Lam)
The Writer Workshop in Lamoti was arranged in a Govt Primary School in Kinor Lam, after breakfast we reached there and started our Workshop. Many students and local youngsters participated in the workshop. Our team also distributed our newly published Newsletter and Gawri Books among them. After the end of Workshop, they were able to read and write in Gawri, they wrote many stories, poems, riddles, jokes and idioms for Gawri Newsletter and other publications. The student took keen interest in this workshop.
Such as a student of class 5th Mr. Imtiaz was fluently reading the newsletter and other books. He wrote many stories for Gawri Newsletter.
After completion of this Workshop in Lamoti, we went to nearer village Thal where we met with some of friends, elders and school students, after shopping and some refreshment we went to Kumrat where our host Mr. Zamin Khan and his friends were waiting for us, who had arranged the dinner for us, we spent night in Kumrat and next day started our Workshop which was arranged in Govt High School Thal.
The school students, teachers and locals participated in this workshop; they were showing very keen interest in this workshop. Mr. Shah Faisal who was leading the student also did a lecture on how to Use Extra Alphabets and Characters of Gawri Language.
After completion of this workshop, they wrote stories, poems, rhymes and Gawri Idioms, they had did very good job, the student also noted the contact number of Gawri Newsletter and Gawri-1 Channel’s Editor to send further material for Gawri Newsletter and Gawri-1 Channel. One student Mr. Abdul Qahar was along with Gawri-1 Team during recording of a Documentary, he was interesting to work with Gawri-1 online channel. We trained him on making documentaries and video clips for Gawri Channel, he said that he will come to Kalam for further trainings on Documentary Making and Report Writing.
Some of the GCDP’s team members recorded the Documentary in Thal Bazar and spent the night with a friend while other members of the team went to enjoy the lush green tourism spots. They spent night there in Jehaz Banda and had a fun of Local Music Party, arranged by the locals of Dir Kohistan.