GCDP Social Media
GCDP has strongest social media networks ever than big NGO’s and CBOs in the area. It provides deferent platforms of Social Media Sites like Official Websites, Facebook, Youtube and WhatsApp Groups.
Facebook Page
Gawri Facebook Page has engaged more than 13K followers from Swat Kohistan and Dir Kohistan. GCDP uploads its video documentaries subtitled with Gawri Language for Community. Gawri Speakers in deferent downtown cities and foreign countries are taking keen interest in Documentaries and videos. They give us their suggestions and advices through comments on the videos and We create and upload content based on their interests.
We create and upload content based on their interests.
YouTube Channel
Gawri-1 Youtube Channel is recently launched, this channel had only 40 subscribers before the starting of GCPD’s “Reading Campaign Project” after uploading more than 200 Video Documentaries and Stories its Subscribers now reached to more than 448 and is rapidly getting new subscribers.
This channel Keeps the local community connected to the Mother Language with the help of interesting and intriguing stories from local writers. Reading, listening and watching these stories in the Visuals, local writers are getting more encouragement and they are writing stories for GCDP’s publications.
WhatsApp Groups
GCDP has 3 WhatsApp Groups categorized for Administration Team, Public Group and Technical Group. Administration Group is only for GCDP Staff and Social Media Workers, Public Group is for public discussion, while Technical Group is for the purpose of providing consultancy in Software, Writing and Using Digital Tools.

Youtbue Channel befor Launcing of Reading Campaign Project

Youtbue Channel after Reading Campaign Project
GCDP Promoted New Writers
Inspired by the stories and poetry uploaded on the Gawri channel, many youngsters started writing for the GCDP's online channel.
Haider Ali, a young from Yajgal village, wrote a fresh poem which was uploaded on Gawri channel. Ata Ullah wrote Naat from Karglu village and uploaded it on the channel. Similarly, Ilyas Jan, Akhtar Ali, Mirbaz, Faqir Hussain and other youths published many articles on folk tales. also wrote many essays on education and health.