A Student is reciveing his certifcate by the hand of Cheif Guest Habibullah Saqib during the Ceremony.
GCDP MLE Schools Certificate Distribution Ceremony was held at GMLE School Yajgal Kalam Swat. Students from Bafar and Yajgal MLE Schools who have completed their Grade-1 Classes had honor to get their SLC’s (School Leaving Certificates) by the hand of Local Government President of Tehsil Bahrain Swat Mr. Habibullah Saqib and other elders of Kalam. Many local community members, activists, Scholars, political persons and writers have participated the ceremony and shared their point of view on promotion MTB MLE in Gawri Community for increasing the Literacy Rate. They appreciated the work of GCDP in spreading of Quality Education through Multilingual Education Programme in Gawri Community.
The ceremony started with the recitation of Holy Quraan, Molana Muhammad Raza recited the verse of Holy Quraan and the event started.
HM Kalami (Media Specialist GCDP Kalam)
He welcomed the honorable chief guest Habibullah Saqib, elders of Kalam and other participants. He thanked the local Intellectuals for always participating in all the events of GCDP and for their full cooperation.
Muhammad Nabi (Project Manager GCDP)
Mr. Muhammad Nabi briefed about the projects of GCDP and the goals achieved in various projects. He said that GCDP was a non-profit and non-government Organization which was working for the welfare of Local Community in Swat Kohistan,
He also briefly talked about the MTB MLE Schools of GCDP and the importance of MLE Schools system for defeating the illiteracy in community. He highlighted all the achievements by students, who have qualified their Grade-1 and Grade-2 from GMLE Schools and now standing on Top 1st to Top 10th Positions in higher Grades in other Schools. He said that after knowing about the need of MTB MLE, local community is fully cooperating with GCDP.
He also made attention of the participants on some of the challenges which are facing by GCDP regarding MLE Schools, he said the big hurdle was the Migration of student’s families in winter season. And the other issue is the unawareness of parents to follow up their educational activities and share the problems of students with Teachers and School Management Committees.
He requested the parents to at least leave their children with other relatives, while migrating to other cities in Winter Season, so that they can complete their Syllabus. And also requested the parents to follow up their child’s school studies and meet SMC’s to resolve any kind of issues facing by the students.
Molana Muhammad Raza (Khateeb Jamia Masjid Bafar)
He quoted some verses of the Holy Quraan about the need of Education. Quraan tells us to eliminate the ignorance by Education. He said that the first educational institute of the child is the lap of mother, so it means that the children need education in their Mother Tongue.
We must have to fulfil the all need of our children to get quality Education. We must take care of their Uniform, Books and Note Books. We should take our responsibility as a citizen to cooperate with those who are giving knowledge to our children.
He praised the struggle of GCDP in promoting MTB MLE Education in many villages of Kalam, we should fully cooperate with GCDP Team in this Regard.
Hayat Ahmad (Private School Teacher)
He said that, we cannot ignore the importance of Education. We should support all those institutions which are spreading the light of Knowledge, either they are governmental or Non-Governmental.
We know the importance of MTB MLE which we have experienced in Private Schools, which are teaching in Urdu or English Medium. We will support GCDP Team in Multi Lingual Education.
Malak Manjawar Khan (an elder of Kalam)
He said that in my village Ashoran, there is an MLE School of GCDP, we noticed that their students are not only genius in Science and Mathematics, but also in Religious Studies and Ethics, We hope that GMLE Schools will keep this standard continue.
Habibullah Saqib (President Local Govt Tehsil Bahrain Swat)
Chief Guest of the event Mr. Habibullah Saqib said that it is a great moment of pleasure for me to hear the answers and questions regarding GCDP MLE Education and its importance in Gawri Language Community.
If we take a look at our Govt Educational Policy, there is no facilities for quality Education in our area, such as lack of institutions, lack of teachers and lack of schools building, we are raising our voice in Assembly but all in van, in this situation private sector is giving great services to Educate the backward area of Kalam.
In this regard GCDP is playing best role, GCDP is not only struggling in eliminating ignorance, but also promoting and preserving the Gawri Language, we better know that Majority Languages are endangering the Minority Languages and same as Gawri Language is affecting by Pashto and Urdu. Therefore, to avoid affecting Gawri Language, we need to include it in all professions such as Education, Media and Politics.
If our language destroys, we will lose our Culture, Customs and Traditions. It is why Gawri Language need much more work to save it from Danger.
In this regard GCDP is playing key role, GCDP is the 1st Organization which felt this issue and working hardiest to save and promote the Language. GCDP is not only able to establish the MLE Schools, but also published many famous books in Gawri Language, and made Gawri Language own Media, Like Gawri-1 Channel, Gawri Website, Newsletter and Android Keyboard. But unfortunately, the big sacrifice and struggle of GCDP Team has no publicity and advertisement in the Community. In this regard I had also talked to Executive Director GCDP Zaman Sagar to work for the publicity and advocacy of the Projects run by GCDP.
Some suggestions by participants regarding Advocacy and Lobbying
- Hold a conference at wide level
- Invite Writers, Intellectuals, Politicians, Social Activists, Govt Education Officers and Journalists.
- Make a presentation on Multi Media and brief them on overall work of GCDP
- Have a session for Question and Answers.
- Make further plans to involve the Local Community and engaged them to cooperate with GCDP.

Group Photo after SLC Ceremony.